How Does Conpak Help Assist Corporations in Seeking to Listing in Hong Kong - Conpak CPA

How Does Conpak Help Assist Corporations in Seeking to Listing in Hong Kong

IPO is an effective channel for enterprises to raise funds for sustainable development, and a unique opportunity for enterprises to standardize their management and enhance the brand reputation. As listing is a professional and complex business, when an enterprise decided to go public in Hong Kong, it must observe the Listing Rules and IPO procedures of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. A professional who is familiar with the Hong Kong market and the listing procedures can help the overall planning. Based in Hong Kong, Conpak is experienced in IPO and its service will guide you through the entire IPO process.

Pre-planning: Removing All Obstacles to Create Favourable Conditions for Listing

  • Assessing the eligibility of the company to be listed in Hong Kong
  • Preparing a feasibility report for listing
  • Formulating a development direction of the company for the purposes of listing
  • Examining the accounting system and accounting record of the company and giving advices for improvements
  • Devising a tax saving plan for the company and individuals (shareholders)
  • Designing a restructuring plan
  • Recommending venture capital or private equity fund for the development of the company

Execution of IPO: Coordinating the Listing Team to Shorten the Listing Process

  • Assisting in choosing the best time for listing
  • Assisting in the selection of appropriate intermediaries
  • Coordinating on the company behalf the intermediary teams to complete their work as scheduled
  • Assisting the sponsors in the performance of due diligence
  • Helping answer enquiries from the Stock Exchange
  • Helping seek capital at the Pre-IPO stage and help increase market awareness on the company

Follow-up Management: Providing Advices to Facilitate Sustainable Development

  • Providing audit services in accordance with the requirements of information disclosure
  • Providing timely update on accounting standards, the Listing Rules and other regulatory requirements and make recommendation
  • Providing professional advice on subsequent mergers and acquisitions
  • Assisting clients in the issue of bonds/convertible bonds/issue of new shares/top-up issue

Should you have any enquires about How Does Conpak Help Assist Corporations in Seeking to Listing in Hong Kong, please complete the form below and we will reply to you soon.

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Mr.     Miss     Ms.
Ms. Jenis Lee
+852 2666 2882
Ms. Helen Hu
+86 10 5659 1199
Mr. Man Law
+86 21 5389 6666
Ms. Susan Chen
+86 21 5389 6622
+86 138 1890 7030
Ms. Helen Hu
+86 755 8828 8711
Ms. Jenis Lee
+65 6966 2288
HK Salaries Tax
HK Salaries Tax

Guide of IPO in Hong Kong

Guide of IPO in Hong Kong

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