Financial Valuation
Driven by factors such as transaction value determination and investment results confirmation, financial Value Valuation is an indispensable tool. Valuation may be necessary when an enterprise is merging, acquiring and preparing financial statements.
Conpak's professionals will provide reasonable valuation advice according to a profound understanding of client's enterprise, and specific demands from clients.
Enterprise usually needs to make financial estimation in following aspects
- Provision of independent evaluation opinion to board of directors, shareholders and management, according to Listing Rules
- Evaluation and precaution regarding hostile takeover or initiative takeover plan
- Determination of right price which enterprise shall offer or accept
- Determination of value of newly-issued securities
- Provision of adequate information in respect to equity or debt financing
- Determination of value of trademark and other intangible assets for accounting and trading purposes
- Valuation in order to settle disputes, such as claims for insurance loss, breach of contract or other kinds of compensation
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