Employment Pass (EP) - Conpak CPA Limited

Employment Pass (EP)

EP allows foreign professionals, managers and executives to work in Singapore.

There is no foreign worker levy or quota required as of now, however employers must demonstrate that they had fairly considered all jobseekers locally prior hiring a foreign staff.

EP holders may also be eligible to apply for Singapore Permanent Residence (SPR).


  • Earning a salary of at least S$5,600 for all sectors except financial services (increases progressively with age); while at least S$6,200 for the financial services sector (increases progressively with age) (EP qualifying salary – Stage 1)
  • Have a job offer in Singapore
  • Work in a managerial, executive, or specialised job
  • Have acceptable qualifications, usually a good university degree, professional qualifications, or specialised skills (MOM do not accept qualifications from unaccredited institutions)

To qualify for EP application, candidate will also need to pass the following framework (Stage 2) below:

  • COMPASS (Stage 2)

    COMPASS is a transparent points-based system introduced by the MOM starting from 1 September 2023.

  • How to pass COMPASS

    The candidate needs to earn at least 40 points to pass COMPASS.

    Foundational Criteria C1. Salary

    This criteria compares the candidate's salary with the local PMET* salaries in the sector.

    Candidate's fixed monthly salary compared to salary benchmarks by sector
    90th percentile and above 20
    65th to less than 90th percentile 10
    Below 65th percentile 0

    *PMET refers to Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians

    C3. Diversity

    This criteria awards points to candidate whether the firm improves nationality diversity in firm.

    Share of candidate's nationality among firm's PMETs
    Less than 5% 20
    5% to less than 25% 10
    25% or more 0
    C2. Qualifications

    This criteria awards points to candidate based on their qualifications.

    Candidate's qualifications
    Top-tier institutions 20
    Degree-equivalent qualifications 10
    No degree-equivalent qualifications 0
    C4. Support for Local Employment

    This criteria awards points to candidate based on firm's support of local workforce within its sector.

    Firm's local PMET share relative to its sector
    50th percentile and above 20
    20th to less than 50th percentile 10
    Below 20th percentile 0
    Bonus Criteria C5. Skills Bonus

    This criteria awards the candidate's job on the Shortage Occupation List.

    Skills Bonus
    • Job on the Shortage Occupation List (SOL)
    • Share of candidate's nationality among the firm's PMETs is less than 1/3
    • Job on the SOL
    • Share of candidate's nationality among the firm's PMETs is 1/3 or more
    C6. Strategic Economic Priorities Bonus

    This criteria awards firms who meet specific requirements for partnering with local government.

    Strategic Economic Priorities Bonus
    Firms meet specific assessment criteria with local government 10
    • Candidates must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 with WHO EUL vaccines (including booster, if eligible) to get their passes issued
    • All documents must be in English or with an English translation done by a translation service provider

Duration of the pass

  • First-time candidates: up to 2 years
  • Renewals: apply within six months before the pass expires, the duration of the renewed pass is up to 3 years

How to apply

Either by the (1) employer directly or (2) an appointed employment agent who does so on behalf of the applicant.

Supporting documents required

  • Copy of the candidate's passport personal particulars page
  • Company's latest ACRA business profile
  • Candidate's educational certificate(s) together with verification proof for qualifications
  • Candidate's resume
  • Employment agreement / Letter of Offer issued by the company
  • Application form

Should you have any enquires about Employment Pass (EP), please complete the form below and we will reply to you soon.

Please fill in the following form, our professionals will reply to you after receiving your enquiry.
* Required field

Mr.     Miss     Ms.
Ms. Jenis Lee
+852 2666 2882
Ms. Helen Hu
+86 10 5659 1199
Ms. Helen Hu
+86 21 5389 6666
Ms. Lindy Jiang
+86 755 8828 8737
Ms. Helen Hu
+86 755 8828 8711
Ms. Jenis Lee
+65 6966 2288

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