To act as a member for "TDC Professional Services Advisory Committee" at the invitation of Hong Kong Trade Development Council
Invited by Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Mr. Man Law, Head of the Greater China Division of Conpak CPA Limited will act as a member for "TDC Professional Services Advisory Committee" from 1 April 2007. The Committee's main role is to advise the Council on its promotional strategies for the professional services industry, and provide TDC with information on industry trends and needs, both within and outside Hong Kong.
Having regard to the promotional needs of the professional services sector, Mr Law is to advise the Council on:
- the industry developments in Hong Kong;
- the mainland and overseas market developments; and
- the Council's mainland and overseas promotion programme, including the marketing channels/platforms and other supporting marketing activities
As a leader in the professional services industry, Mr. Law's vision in and commitment to the industry will no doubt contribute to the Committee. He was honored to be invited by the HKTDC and look forward to work closely with the Council in promoting Hong Kong's professional services industry in future.